It’s time to take back control.

Let me guess…

You’re exhausted by the anxious chatter that’s living rent free in your head.

Experiencing anxiety can be totally exhausting. Anxiety can get in the way of living in the present moment and fully engaging in our lives.

If you are looking for relief from your anxiety, therapy can help. I draw from various evidence-based modalities including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) to help develop coping skills for managing anxious thoughts. We may also use mindfulness-based strategies and breath work to help you feel more present and grounded.

Life can feel different than the way it does today.

Therapy can help you break the hold anxiety has on you.

What we’ll work on

Here’s what we’ll do together:

  • Identify triggers to anxiety and explore how anxiety affects you mentally, emotionally, and physically

  • Increase mindfulness of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

  • Learn cognitive strategies to help break out of negative thought cycles, disrupt the inner critic, and develop more positive self-talk

  • Learn grounding/calming skills that you can utilize when feeling anxious or panicked

ready to get started?

Don’t stay stuck.